River House Blues Cover

A carousel of surreal characters flowing along a river of souls. Lovers, hunters, gamblers, and even lady death herself all make an appearance in this powerful book of poems from Mendes Biondo.”Mendes is the Mount Vesuvius of poetry, the lava burning every page, smouldering with honesty and sex and dreams and characters from the Wild West. The smoke of humour and insight permeate throughout this chapbook. Mendes Biondo is a poet of flames and every stroke of his pen scorches, delights and sometimes shocks the imagination but always snares the reader’s attention. A poet whose reputation continues to grow.”— John D Robinson, Holy&intoxicated Publications.

You can purchase “River House Blues” here:

You can download “River House Blues” for free here:

Where Hot Rods Ride - CoverMendes Biondo, poet, madman and raconteur has sent us words to us from the mind of God or from the mind of Satan. Perhaps they’re just from his fucking fecund mind. And I don’t have to know, really. Biondo gives you the feeling that you’re jumping out of a plane without a parachute. You’re flying at high-speed; things are whizzing past your head. The Wicked Witch of the East, crocodiles, cowboy hats, hot rods, all bedecked in a day-glow phosphorescence. In other words, perhaps you’ve been dosed” (Mike Fiorito).

Mark Blickley, author member of the Dramatists Guild and PEN American Center as well as the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Scholarship Award for Drama and screenwriter, wrote the blurb for this book: “For readers whose travel destinations do not include raw sex, masturbation, and unfettered erotic passion, please do not step into Biondo’s hot rod, a warning that I suspect should be issued not only to lovers of poetry but also to Mendes’ lovers. If sacred salacious journeys do not deter you, then buckle yourself in and peel off with tires smoking into Where Hot Rods Ride.” The book is published by Cajun Mutt Press.

You can buy Where Hot Rods Ride at this link:


Mendes Biondo’s words are words of conflict, words of voyage and longing. They are the words of a man trying to find his place in an unstable modern world in constant flux. There is a yearning for the old, but with a candid realization that modernity stops for no one and that the technology we have all become so reliant on in our daily lives has stripped us in many ways of our identity and humanity and isolated us from our place; our hands in the dirt. There is much wrong with what is clean and easy and Biondo’s work is one of sensual refutation. Rich language that seduces with a wet and earthy mastery. —Ryan Quinn Flanagan, author of Poems to Knock the Sun Out of the Sky

You can buy Spaghetti&Meatballs – Poems for Hot Organs at this link:

RP1CoverWebDiscover a world made of poems, stories, plays, essays, words upon words upon even more words, all for your reading pleasure. All this is the first issue of The Ramingo’s Porch. Edited by Mendes Biondo, Marc Pietrzykowski and Catfish McDaris. The Ramingo’s Porch is published 4X per year, and it is a collaborative effort spanning deserts and oceans.

You can buy The Ramingo’s Porch Issue #1 at this link:


RP2CoverDraftJeff2 copiaThe Ramingo’s Porch, Issue #2, bursting at the seams with poetry, stories, essays, and other literary constellations. The title of this anthology is Love, Spring and Revolution.

You can buy The Ramingo’s Porch Issue #2 at this link:





The Ramingo’s Porch, Issue #3, another folio exploding with poetry, stories, essays, and artwork. The theme for issue 3: Fuck Bukowski.

You can buy The Ramingo’s Porch Issue #3 at this link:





The Ramingo's Porch 4

An issue dedicated to the pleasure. Poems, short stories and much more dedicated to sex and wet feelings. A hot reading for hot readers. Feel the “fourth”.

You can buy The Ramingo’s Porch Issue #4 at this link:





Resurrection of a Sunflower Copertina

A whopping 546 pages of glorious poetry and prose from all over the Earth, gathered by Catfish McDaris and Pski’s Porch. This anthology celebrates Vincent van Gogh’s life, art, and posthumous fame in a range of poetic styles befitting the global relevance of their subject.

You can buy Resurrection of A Sunflower clicking here